Cupri Columni (Copper Necks); 32 vintage chess pieces without board, Soviet (prob. Valdai penal colony), Botvinnik-Flohr pattern, wood, original weights, golden-amber vs. black, artistically restored/reimagined, c.1955-1965
Height: King 10.5cm weight 35g base width 4.2cm, Queen 9.4cm wt. 35g bw 4.2cm, Bishop 8.4cm 27g, Knight 7.5cm 35g, Rook 6.3cm 30g, Pawns 6cm 22g.
W: Gulag pink felt pads, B: same
An attractive Cold War interpretation of a Soviet design named after the Moscow International Tournament of 1935 when the future Russian World Champion Mikhail Botvinnik and Salo Flohr of Czechoslovakia tied for 1st place, while the evergreen Emanuel Lasker and Cuban legend, Capablanca, placed 3rd and 4th respectively. Several variations of the so-called ‘BF’ patterns (characterized by the ‘flat’ mitres of the bishops) were used throughout the USSR, and in chess collecting circles, are considered to be one of “the most iconic Soviet designs ever produced” (qu. Chuck Grau; ‘Shakmatnyye Kollektsionery’ Facebook group). There is also a well-circulated photograph (included in the CS Gallery) of this later ‘BFII’ design taken at the Moscow Central Chess Club in 1958, when the 15-year-old American prodigy Bobby Fischer was invited to play a few off-hand games with the Soviet GM, Tigran Petrosian. Another clash between the two in 1958 (dubbed “The Bear Hug”) is featured in Fischer’s 60 Memorable Games (game 3).
The set has been artistically restored to a honey-gold vs. black antiqued finish in the traditional tournament colours of this pattern. This was accomplished using various layering techniques using oils, shellac and varnish to achieve the look and feel of a vintage mid-twentieth century patina. You may also have noticed the antiqued gold and copper collars of the royals and clerics. These copper accents will be a recurring theme of our 2022 copper signature sets.
The Copper Necks are UV resistant and ideal for display as well as casual /blitz play and both kings carry the hand-painted iridescent copper ‘Power’ signature of the artist on their bases
Each set also comes with one of unique Chess Schach ‘Certificate of Artistry.’
For more info on the CoA refer to the Jan. 2022 Chessay on our ALL ABOUT CHESS page.
Etsy Set Price $750.00 Set Price $650.00 Canadian inc. free shipping
Ref Code: CC22